
Antenna and wave propagation solved problems
Antenna and wave propagation solved problems

antenna and wave propagation solved problems

These project tasks can be used to improve the final grade. By solving analysis and design problems, they demononstrate the understanding of relevant physical effects and design principles.During the semester, students get the opportunity to participate in voluntary project and design tasks, in which they can solve different analysis and design problems in more detail. The examination is adapted to the learning outcomes and consists of a written examination of 90 min duration.In the written examination, students demonstrate by answering questions under time pressure and with limiited helping material (10 pages or 5 sheets of self-generated documentation, mathematical equation book, non-programmable pocket calculator) the theoretical knowledge of antennas and wave propagation. Scientific seminar on structure, architecture and application of sensor circuitsĭescription of achievement and assessment methods.Seminar on Topics in Integrated System Design.Seminar on Topics in Electronic Design Automation.Seminar on Topics in Communications Networking.Seminar on Topics in Antennas and Propagation.Seminar on Signal Processing in Communications.Seminar on Security in Information Theory.Seminar Embedded Systems and Internet of Things.Seminar Nano- & Optomechanical Quantum Technologies.Simulation of Optical Communication Systems Lab.Class and Lab Designing a CMOS Continous Time Sigma Delta Modulator.Project Laboratory Secure SoC for the Internet-of-Things.Practical Training Project Integrated Systems.Project Lab course in Audio Informatio Processing.Lab CMOS Voltage Regulation Circuit Design.


  • Software Architecture for Distributed Embedded Systems.
  • Multi-Criteria Optimization and Decision Analysis for Embedded Systems Design.
  • Intelligent Machine Design - Mechatronics Fundamentals.
  • Topics in Optimization for Data-Driven Applications.
  • System Design for the Internet of Things.
  • Solving Inverse Problems with Deep Learning.
  • Techno-Economic Analysis of Telecommunication Networks.
  • antenna and wave propagation solved problems

    Quantum Computers and Quantum Secure Communications.Physical Principles of Electromagnetic Fields and Antenna Systems.Mixed Integer Programming and Graph Algorithms for Engineering Problems.Mathematical Methods of Information Technology.High-Frequency Amplifiers and Oscillators.Digital Signal Processing for Optical Communication Systems.Computational and Analytical Methods in Electromagnetics.Analog Bipolar Electronics: Devices, Simulation and Circuits.Analysis, Modeling and Simulation of Communication Networks.

    Antenna and wave propagation solved problems